Frequently Asked Questions   [FAQ]

Where is the Children's Sunday School located?
Children's (kindergarten - 5th grade) Sunday school is on the 2nd floor in the "Red Zone". The church signs are posted to guide you to the "Red Zone".
Where is the Pre-K Sunday School located?
Pre-school Sunday school is located on the first floor in the "Blue Zone". In addition, the church signs are posted to guide you to the "Blue Zone".
Where is Service Care for infants located?
Service Care is located on the first floor in the "Blue Zone". Parents will receive a pager after checking in their child at Service Care.
Why do I get a pager after checking my child into Service Care?
The pager allows Service Care attendees to contact parents/guardians using the pager if the parent/guardian needs to return to Service Care.
Who can check-out my child from Service Care?
Children are only released from Service Care to parents/guardians. Please return the pager at the time of check out.
Where do I pick-up and drop-off my child on Wednesday nights?
The Wednesday evening pick-up and drop-off area are located behind our church off 5th Street.
Is there an assigned area to drive through for Wednesday evening?
Yes! You will need to drive within the orange cones. These cones help to keep all children and workers safe.
Are there workers to help during pick-up and drop-off on Wednesday?
Yes! Workers during drop-off help guide children to their proper areas and classrooms. During pick-up, workers help children connect with the correct parent/guardian.
Is there anything else I should know about Wednesday night?
A meal is served at 6:00 pm, and parents are invited to come to eat with their kids! Kids are required to wear tennis shoes for playing in the gym. Each night there is a theme, and children may choose to dress for that theme.
How old does my child need to be to attend on Wednesday night?
Awana and Bible Quest events are for children aged 4 (by July 31) through 5th grade.
Do I need to sign up for each Monthly Quest Connect Event?
Some Quest Connect Events require registration to reserve a spot for each child, which is helpful for our planning purposes. However, we are happy to welcome each child to an event if you still need to sign up.
Where do I sign up for Monthly Quest Connect Events?
Most sign-ups are located in the church on the bulletin board outside the church office. In the future, more sign-ups will be available online.
When do I pick up my child(ren) from OFK?
Please promptly pick up your child(ren) when the sermon is over and after the closing song.
Where do I pick up my child(ren) from OFK?
Parents/guardians are to pick up their child(ren) in the Old Sanctuary. Children's workers will only release the child(ren) to parents/guardians.
Is OFK held every Sunday morning?
No. OFK is not held on the first Sunday of each month. On the first Sunday of each month, children stay with their families for worship.

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